The Felittle Way

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Lately, Felittle People have noticed that many drivers seem to have ants in their pants. Is there a White Rabbit epidemic sweeping Southern California? Felittle People are puzzled. Maybe its just poor time management skills that is causing everyone to be in such a rush. Well, in addition to being environmentally conscious (which is why Felittle People drive earth friendly vehicles) they also are well schooled in how to be helpful citizens. Just the other day, Chai was driving her Prius along a strip of Sunset where she knows motorcycle coppers have a stakeout. Mr. Tailgater, however, was not so well informed. In being a mindful driver, Chai was cruising along at the posted 35 mph, but even more importantly, she was being a good citizen by saving Mr. T money, aggravation and time in court. Sadly, Mr. T was unaware of the Felittle Way so he zig-zagged and sped off, only to get busted seconds later. Bugger.

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